By Orchestra Kamanga

One of the political commentators in the country Donz Zimbulani has said the country cannot afford to hold re-ran elections because the country is poor.

He was commenting after Dr Saulosi Chilima took Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to court after being not satisfied with the outcome of May 21 tripartite elections which ushered Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika into power for the second time.

“The elections went on well but it was tough race. Chairperson for Malawi electoral Commission (MEC) Dr Jane Ansar did her job in professional manner,” he said.

Zimbulan further said before the elections, he predicted that President Peter Mutharika would be the winner because he controls Majority of tribe in the country.

“President Peter Mutharika control Majority of tribes from 4 districts which are  Mulanje, Phalombe, Chiradzulu, Thyolo and some parts  of Blantyre which  other parties control few voters,” said Zimbulani who is the Founder and Managing Director of Donz Engineering which is located opposite Kamba Market in commercial City Blantyre.

On 50 + 1 percent, he said it is good and bad because if someone has not scored that percent it could be difficult to hold another elections for the particular winner because he or she cannot accept to lose after re-ran and that can cause violence in the country.

In his speech during the inauguration ceremony held at Kamuzu Stadium, Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika said elections are over and there is a need to concentrate on development.

In May 21 tripartite elections Peter Mutharika (DPP) declared the winner while Dr Razarus Chakwera(MCP) came second and Dr Saulosi Chilima (UTM) came third.

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