By: Grecium Wanja Gama

The Phalombe Magistrate court has sentenced to 48 months imprisonment a cybercrime offender who posted “albino for sale” on Facebook.

According to phalombe police public relation officer, Innocent Zunguzeni, 21, was found guilty after full trial on Friday.

“The court heard that Zunguzeni, on 17 February 2019 wrote albino for sale on his Facebook page” .

“This prompted us to use Cybercrime investigators to obtain a search warrant from Lilongwe Magistrate court in order to follow up the case.” Moses explains.

 However Zunguzeni was arrested at Pambachulu trading center in Phalombe district. Zunguzeni was charged with the offence of Cyber stalking contravening Section 88 of the Electronic Transaction and Cyber Security Act. He added that the state through Prosecutor Assistant Superintendent Hatwell Kachikonga brought him before court where he pleaded not guilty.

All witnesses were brought before court where Zunguzeni was found with the case to answer. The state prayed for stiffer sentence on the accused saying posting such message on social media may cause fear to persons with albinism hence a stiffer punishment.

However, Zunguzeni begged for court’s leniency. Meanwhile ,Passing sentence , First Grade Magistrate Damson Banda said that the accussed is the threat to society hence deserving a stiffer penalty.

Magistrate Banda went on slapping Zunguzeni to 48 months imprisonment with hard labour to deter other would- be- offenders. Zunguzeni hails from Mtamanyama village under Traditional Authority Chiwalo in Phalombe district.

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