Newly appointed commissioners for the Malawi Human Rights Commission-MHRC-have elected Mrs. Sophie Kalinde as new chairperson for the commission.

MHRC Executive Secretary Mrs Grace Malera confirmed of the election of Mrs. Kalinde in an interview.

“The commissioners first met on Friday where they elected the new chairperson among themselves and Mrs. Kalinde happens to be the one,” she said.

Mrs. Kalinde replaces the outspoken Mr. John Kapito, a fierce critic of the late President Bingu wa Mutharika.

Mr. Kapito, who has also called on the Joyce Banda government to resign for failing to cushion Malawians on the effects of the recent devaluation, spoke highly of his successor.

“All she needs is to make sure that she puts human rights on top of her agenda. I know her as a strong woman in the fight for Human rights,” said Mr. Kapito.

The new commissioners who were sworn in early last month include Mr. Dalitso Kubalasa Executive Director for the Malawi Economic Justice Network, Mr. Benedicto Kondowe of the Civil Society Education Coalition, Mr. Rodgers Newa of Centre for Children Affairs, Mr. Steven Mkoka, Mrs. Sopphie Kalinde, Mr. Marshal Chilenga and Reverend Zac Kawalala.

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