President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has called on Malawians to maintain peace and order and reject leaders who terrorize and threaten their lives.

Mutharika said this when he was addressing the nation yesterday following the post-elections that are happening in the central region.

“Let me call upon you all fellow Malawians to maintain peace, love and unity at all times and reject leaders who terrorize and threaten the lives of our families and children.” Said Mutharika.

Mutharika further warned Malawi Congress Party leader Lazarus Chakwera for inciting the violence acts.

He further continued saying that Chakwera’s goal is to intentionally reject true democratic process and its results.

“I am advisably informed that the real goal of Reverend Chakwera is to ignore the democratic electoral process and its results,” he said.

He then assured Malawians that his government will not allow souls of innocent to suffer because of greedy Malawians.

The 80 year old president asked Malawians not to allow hungry for power politicians to use them for their personal gains.

“I would like to urge all Malawians to reject anyone wanting to use your life as a pawn for power hungry politicians,” he urged Malawians.

He added; “Let us reject Reverend Chakwera’s lawlessness by maintaining our respect for our judges. We are a country of laws and judges are custodians of law. We must allow them to do their job without influence or hindrance.”

Mutharika then asked political leaders to direct their followers in the right path by not inciting violence acts.

“I call upon all other political leaders to avoid inciting their followers to violence and anarchy,” he said.

He added; “We must reject criminality in strongest terms and protect our democracy from returning to the dark era of Malawi Congress Party dictatorship and brutality.”

Mutharika further called upon traditional leaders to help government in maintaining peace, calm and order.

Mutharika concluded by assuring Malawians that security agencies will perform their duties accordingly by ensuring that Malawians are enjoying their peace.

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