Four women of the same family have been arrested in Mulanje for allegedly abducting an employee at Lujeri Tea Estate Company at the heat of the land wrangle between Sagawa villagers and the company.

Mulanje Police Spokesperson Sub-Inspector Gresham Ngwira confirmed of the arrest in an interview with Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS).

Ngiwra identified the four as Achimwanji Adam, 35, Fatsanao Adam, 49, Hendrina Pindani, 19, and Irene Dauson, 36, who are Pindani’s sisters, the company’s assistant tractor driver, Thomas Nandolo.

According to the police spokesperson, the land wrangle  started some years ago.

“The company claimed that villagers encroached on its land on the other hand the villagers said they inherited the land from their ancestors,” said the Police PRO.

He said in 2018, the company took the matter to court where the court ruled in its favour.

Dissatisfied with the ruling, the villagers in May this year went back to the land and this forced the company to engage police who arrested the villagers’ ring leader Martin Pindani, according to police.

“In anger, some villagers led by the four women kidnapped Thomas Nandolo- the company’s assistant tractor driver to force police release their brother,” said Sub-Inspector Ngwira.

The police PRO said over the weekend, police stormed the village where they rescued Nandolo and arrested the four women.

Said Sub-Inspector Ngwira, “We have charged them with abduction which is contrary to section 262 of the penal code”.

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