Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and its allies People Party and Freedom Party (FP) have called on the donor community to engage President Peter Mutharika to furnish Malawians with details of the statement he made in his State-of-the-Nation Address (SONA) that some two political leaders were trying to recruit Al-Shabab militants to destabilise the country.

Last Saturday, MCP President Lazarus Chakwera gave APM a ultimatum of 24-hours to publicly produce evidence of his allegations.

Speaking at a press briefing on Tuesday in Lilongwe, FP President Khumbo Kachali, franked by MCP Secretary General Eisenhower Mkaka asked Malawis multilateral and bilateral partners to attended Mutharika’s SONA to implore the President to divulge information.

“Under normal circumstances, if indeed it were true that there are some Al Shabaab activities withing the country, the security agencies of which he is their Commander-In-Chief would have opened a file. We therefore call upon our development partners and diplomatic missions to call upon the leader of the DPP to furnish them with the file on Al Shabaab as this is an international terrorist group,” Kachali explained.

Kachali said Mutharika is keeping the people in suspense and that the issue of terror is one not to be taken lightly.

The former Vice President said a terror attack would affect not only the ruling Democratic Progressive Party members but all Malawians regardless of their tribal and political affiliations.

He pointed out that Mutharika’s comment were made with intention of dividing the nation.

Malawi Defence Force (MDF) spokesperson Major Paul Chiphwanya in an exclusive telephone with said he does not have the mandate to comment on the issues and that even if he had information about the alleged botched attack, he could not divulge it.

He referred us to Malawi Police Service or Sate House but Police spokesperson James Kadadzera also declined to comment telling this reporter to talk to Presidential Press Secretary Mgeme Kalilani.

Kalilani said: “The President did not mention anybody. Why are these people panicking with the Presidents disclosure?

In the SONA), President Mutharika said he was aware that two political leaders had explored the possibility of blowing up the Kamuzu Stadium on the day of his swearing-in.

“They must know that I know. These two political leaders have tried to recruit mercenary militias from Al-Shabaab and the Congo war zone to come and create anarchy in this country. Is this the leadership we want?

“I have warned this nation before. That if we sit back in silence and watch this spirit growing, one day evil will rule this nation and take us ransom,” he said.

Source : Kulinji

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