Community Leaders have been urged to take the leading role in protect people living with albinism in their areas to ensure safety of their lives in Lilongwe, on Wednesday.

The call has been made by Assistant Commissioner of Police Eunice Mwamkili during a community sensitization campaign at senior chief Chadza headquarters in Msozi.

In her remarks, Mwamkili, said it is the responsibility of all stakeholders to join hands in protecting people with Albinism.

She said all stakeholders need to join hands to protect the persons with albinism and  the distribution of security gadgets to the persons with albinism was part of the security measures put in place.

Mwamkili added that the sensitization meeting was organized with a backdrop that the local authorities should be at the centre ensuring that their community members are educated because Persons with albinism are just like anyone else and that the security gadgets being distributed still need strong community coordination and alertness.

“Let us be our brother’s keeper. If you hear one of your neighbors with albinism ring the alarm, they will still need you to rush there and help since it is a warning call hence this meeting was held, so that you should take the messages to your communities,” she explained.

Senior Chief Chadza commended the chiefs, community policing members and the Police for a good working relationship and said distributing the security gadgets in his area will be a manifestation of his community’s continued collaborative efforts in ensuring that people with albinism feel safe and live like everybody else.

He said that, “I want everyone to be free in their houses and communities. As chiefs, let us ensure that Persons Living with Albinism are not segregated in community projects. Let us involve them in everything because they are capable like everybody else. Let us be exemplary and spread peace.”

One of the persons with Albinism, Samuel John said he was glad to have received the security alarms and thanked the government for its efforts in ensuring their protection.

“I will feel safe knowing that when in danger, my neighbors will rush to my rescue. I advise my fellow people with albinism that they should utilize the devices well and always remember to walk in safe environments,” he stated.

Community Policing Coordinator for Lilongwe Police, Inspector Malango Mwasinga advised the people with albinism not to ring the alarms anyhow to avoid draining the batteries and discourage people from coming to help.

Earlier this year, the Central Region Police organized a community sensitization campaign against killings of people living with albinism in Mitundu and other areas in the district and warned would-be offenders to desist from the inhumane acts.

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