After six months of silence, the opinionated comedian Mr. Broken English has announced that he will be back with television comedy episodes that will be start showing on Local television.

Born Sydney Tannah Harawa said his silence was involved in working something better for his fans, and working out on how he can reach on an international level.

“I was researching on a few things about comedy, like how my comedy can match many other international comedians because my vision is take my comedy to the international audience,” said Mr. Broken English.

According to the comedian, it is pitiful seeing local artist not making headlines as main acts during local events.

“Mostly we may see many event organizers inviting international comedians as main acts to entertain while us local comedians we play the assisting role. So my vision is to see myself headline events locally and internationally this is a journey I have started,” said the youthful comedian.

He added that local television stations such as Zodiak, Mibawa, and Rainbow have already been communicated
The episodes are expected to start airing in a space of 3 weeks.

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