Minister of Lands Housing and Urban Development, Symon Vuwa Kaunda has warned officials from his ministry in the northern region to resist from corruption when selling land.

Vuwa made the remarks on Monday at Chatonda Lodge in Mzuzu during a familiarization tour.

According to Vuwa, there is a perception that the Land Department is the most corrupt department in the country, hence there is a need to stop.

The minister further warned that anyone found guilty, will be taken to task and is likely to lose their job.

He added that he has been moving around the northern region to the available plots remaining in the northern region.

He added that he is taking the footsteps of President Peter Mutharika who does not tolerate corruption.

“President Mutharika has taken a zero tolerance to corruption, so I took time to convey that message to the officers that the government will not tolerate any officer that is involved in corruption,” Vuwa said.

He further warned the act of prioritizing foreigners in giving out land saying Malawians are entitled to their land.

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