Some people in Rumphi district have complained that transparency and accountability on developmental projects remains a challenge among duty bearers regardless several interventions on the same.

A member of Phoka Area Development Committee (ADC), Harris Msiska, says most developmental projects in the area end in suspense due to lack of involvement of community members.

“As I am speaking the construction of Chakaka clinic has stalled and nobody here knows why and how the funds have been spent,” he said.

“If we the community members were involved in this and other projects like construction of bridges, some would have been employed to do some piece works and we would have been able to follow the projects,” he added.

Director of Planning and Development for the district, Frank Mkandawire, says the Council follows the guidelines for each project and that community members have their representatives in the Council.

“They are free to come and find out from us. They are not supposed to be directly involved in the projects since they have their representatives like councilors and traditional leaders in the Council,” he said.

Some members of the community have since formed accountability clubs to ensure that they follow such issues through Church and Society program of the CCAP Synod of Livingstonia.

Project officer for Church and Society, Glory Chumbi, says there are some duty bearers who do not want to be transparent and accountable on developmental projects, saying through the project, awareness on the matter will continue.

She said it is important that community members are fully involved in developmental projects since the facilities are meant for them.

The Church and Society under the CCAP Synod of Livingstonia is implementing participatory and inclusive development project with support from Tilitonse Fund.

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