Human Right Defenders Coalition (HRDC) has called on the police and the Malawi Human Rights Commission to investigate the death of Binwell Mtambo, uncle to Timothy Mtambo of HRDC.

Binwell was hit to death by a police vehicle on Thursday night in Chitipa and his death attracted mixed reactions with many accusing the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of being behind the accident.

This follows a threat by President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika on Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) who are organizing ant-Jane Ansah demonstrations that he will use force in dealing with them.

In a letter released on August 2, 2019, signed by HRDC Vice Chairperson Gift Trapence, Billy Mayaya, the grouping said the death of Binwell is suspicious hence the need for investigations.

“Given the security threats targeted at our leadership and their immediate families, we at HRDC are keen to work with any relevant authorities to establish the facts and circumstances surrounding this suspicious accident.

“In the absence of a thorough investigation into this unfortunate incident, we at HRDC are tempted to hold that this is yet another systematic and evil strategy being employed to silence us,” reads in part the letter.

Chitipa Police Spokesperson Gladwell Simwaka while confirmed the death ruled out foul play.

Binwell was laid to rest on Sartuday on Friday in Chitipa.

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