Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Malawi Chapter has condemned the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) for banning the live coverage of the ongoing demonstrations aimed at forcing Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Chairperson Dr. Jane Ansah to resign, saying it’s a muzzle to media freedom.

On Tuesday MACRA through its Director General Godfrey Itaye banned the live broadcast of the ongoing demonstrations, saying the live coverage is inciting violence.

Itaye said broadcaster will only allow airing live the proceeding of the demonstrations if they have a delaying machine.

“Pursuant to this provision you are prohibited from carrying out any live broadcast until you are in compliance with this provision,” reads part of the statement.

But in a statement MISA Malawi Chairperson Teresa Ndanga said the ban is a deliberate ploy to limit media freedom and freedom of expression.
Ndanga said the ban on live broadcasts is ill-timed and an ambush on the broadcasters.

“Otherwise, we feel the directive prohibiting live broadcasts is an ambush as none of the broadcasters MISA Malawi has spoken to knew about the regulations,” Ndanga said.

Ndanga then urged MACRA to lift the ban on live broadcast of the demonstrations.

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