Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Publicity Secretary, Nicholas Friday said DPP Cadets are disciplined and cannot take part in violence and looting.

Dausi was responding to the allegations which MCP is saying that, people who are destroying things include shops during demonstrations are DPP Cadets.

Addressing the press at DPP Headquarters in Lilongwe, Dausi said the DPP is concerned with the cases of vandalism which some thugs are doing in the name of demonstrations.

He further warned the perpetrators of vandalism, saying that government is working with security bodies who will deal with the perpetrators.

Adding her voice, DPP Secretary General, Gresedar Jeffrey, said that DPP Cadets are under her control, hence they cannot destroy people’s property.

The briefing comes in the wake of so called demonstrations that have led to thousands of people and many companies losing property.

Meanwhile, the Court case on the elections continues with the Attorney General, Kalekeni Kaphale, continuing cross examining the first petitioner Saulos Chilima.

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