The Constitutional Court sitting in Lilongwe has censored the Malawi Electoal Commission (MEC) not to collude with Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate President Peter Mutharika.

Attorney General Kalekeni Kaphale who is representing MEC, is said to particularly appearing to act in collussion with DPP.

The court’s caution to MEC came in following the act taken by the AG yesterday when he spoke on behalf of Mutharika’s lawyer.

MEC is therefore asked not to be one sided in the elections case saying it should remain independent and defend their side not DPP side.

“Another aspect, the overall scheme of proceedings emanate from the electoral process in which the first and second petitioner (Saulos Chilima and Lazarus Chakwera respectively), and first respondent (Peter Mutharika) participated and the second respondent (MEC), took a role of a referee.

Our position is that the conduct of the second respondent (MEC) in these proceedings should reflect that position as a neutral arbitrator in these matters notwithstanding the common interest between the first respondent (Mutharika) and second respondent (MEC).”

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