Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) has distanced itself from rumours hovering on the social media that the organisations is funding the ongoing demonstrations organized by Human Right Defenders Coalition (HRDC) aimed at forcing Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Chairperson Dr. Jane Ansah.

The country held its second tripartite election on May 21, 2019 where President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika was declared winner of the disputed polls.

Since then the country has seen a number of demonstrations aimed at forcing Ansah to resign for failing to manage the polls.

The general public is accusing Ansah of conniving with the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the move forced Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and United Transformation movement (UTM) to seek legal action on the matter.

Due to the ongoing demonstrations, some DPP cadets have been threatening to make public the names of the organizations sponsoring the demonstrations.
The cadets then implicated NCA as one of the sponsors of the ongoing demonstrations but this has not pleased the organisations.

In a statement released by the organization, the grouping has described the statement as malicious aimed denting the image of NCA.

Below is the statement;

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