Malawi Blood Transfusion Service (MBTS) has condemned the act of selling blood by some health workers saying it is a violation of human rights to patients as they are denied access to health services.

MBTS Public Relations Officer Allen Kaombe bemoaned the act in an interview Friday following allegations that health workers in public and CHAM hospitals are demanding money from guardians or patients in order to access blood transfusion.

“This is a serious malpractice and it has an impact in terms of blood supplies to various hospitals. When people hear of such allegation some stop donating blood.

“Blood is an important tissue and component in any health delivery system. Malawians should not tolerate selfish individuals to deny patients access to blood transfusion,” Kaombe said.

He said MBTS has put up various initiatives to curb the malpractice.

“We have introduced a tip-off anonymous programme to facilitate reporting of various forms of the unethical behaviours such us blood selling at government hospitals, poor attitude towards blood donors, fraud, corruption, bribery and nepotism.

“Once we have fully rolled out the programme and results start pulling in, we will be able to follow up and pinpoint the offender,” Kaombe said.
He further said MBTS will continue to sensitise people through various forums on the importance of blood donation.

Kaombe said Malawi requires 120 000 units of blood in a year and last year they only managed to collect about 60 000 units, representing 50 per cent of the requirement.

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