Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Ben Phiri on Wednesday ordered Lilongwe City Council (LCC) to renovate office toilets in its facilities within seven days, to improve sanitation.

The minister who made a surprise visit made a call after seeing poor sanitation in all 32 markets including the central market in the city.

Apart from markets, the minister also visited the fire brigade unit and a new World Bank-funded sewer system project.

He also told LCC to clear blocked drainage systems and install rubbish dumps within 14 days.

However the minister said he was impressed by some structures in the city.

“Not all is bad, I must say; we have seen some good works and I encourage close collaboration between the council and market leadership to identify areas of need for solutions,” he said.

LCC chief executive officer John Chome assured the minister the city will meet all the deadlines that the two parties have agreed to ensure faulty areas are rectified.

“The minister has seen for himself and he has offered direction and we will do just as he has said,” he said.

Currently, the city is rehabilitating a107-kilometre sewerage network which will connect 5 000 new households and Kauma Sewage Treatment Plant.




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