The Attorney-General has asked the Supreme Court to restrain Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) from conducting demonstrations until all issues are sorted out.

Lones Michongwe, Senior Deputy State Advocate in the office of Attorney-General, argues that there is need to wait until what was directed by the court is cleared.

She said the AG on August 30 this year called for a meeting at the Civic Offices in Lilongwe, but the HRDC representatives did not attend, citing security reasons.

Michongwe said the AG then suggested that the meeting be held at any Sunbird Hotel, but it was also declined by the respondents, citing same security reasons.

She told the court that the AG suggested Bingu International Convention Centre in Lilongwe, to which they accepted, but after the AG had booked and his team was at the venue waiting for the respondents, they changed their minds citing the same security concerns and insisted that they meet at Crossroads Hotels or UNDP offices.

Lawyer for HRDC Khwima Mchizi has acknowledged receipt of the application, saying matters raised will be addressed in court today.

Meanwhile the case is scheduled for today..

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