The Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry met with President Peter Mutharika, exchanged gifts and pleasantries on Sunday evening at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe, Mutharika says his visit symbolizes the good relationship that Malawi and Britain has.

“Your visit symbolizes the wonderful relationship between Britain and Malawi, which has been beneficial on both sides,” said Mutharika.

Mutharika continued saying that Britain has been a good friend to Malawi in as far as education and knowledge is concerned saying most Malawians have gone through British education system either in the UK or here in Malawi.

The 80 year old president complimented the Duke of Sussex on his active interest in promoting education for the youth saying they share a common goal as he (Mutharika) working ireless to impart skills in the youths by constructing Technical Colleges.

Mutharika said; “My goal is that each and every constituency must have a good secondary school and a technical college, we are building technical colleges now and I am launching construction of 250 new secondary schools across the country shortly.”

Prince Harry and his wife Meghan arrived in the country on Sunday afternoon meeting Mutharika on the first day of his visit to the southern African country.

After meeting Mutharika, The Duke of Sussex later in the evening attended a reception at the residence of the British High Commission.

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