Zimbabwean blesser identified as Ronald Muchengwa is reported to have impregnated 72 South African women and his is still counting.

According to a source close to Muchengwa, he uses Zimbabwean muti that make his sperms stronger citing that he is doing it on purpose.

“He is doing it on purpose, he uses Zimbabwean muti that makes his sperms strong like little superman sperms, they can survive for weeks waiting for the girl to ovulate. A superman sperm can even go inside the ovaries of a girl and take an egg for itself.”

When the girls tell him they are pregnant he sends them e-wallet and tells them to blame it on their boyfriends.

“He picks yellow-bones because he does not want the babies to look like him, he doesn’t want them to be dark like him because he doesn’t want the boyfriends to be skeptical.

Our source says he cannot be stopped because pregnancy from his sperms can survive all types of abortions.

“If the girls insist on using protection he agrees because he knows his sperms would chew through the condom”


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