Security agents in the country may now afford a smile at the news that government has launched a K150 Million project for construction of descent houses for them.

The project has been launched by Minister of Lands, Housing and Rural Development, Symon Vuwa Kaunda at the Prison headquarters in Zomba.

This comes barely two months after the finance minister unveiled plans to build houses for Malawi Defence Force, Police, immigration and Prison officers during the national budget presentation.

Speaking after the launch in Zomba, Vuwa said the money for the project has already been approved in this year’s budget and it will be done in phases.

‘’We are mandated to start this project right away because the money has been provided for us. Our concern for officers is huge because they will be discharging their duties properly if there is proper housing for them, ’’said Kaunda.

According to Kaunda, one thousand houses will be built in the first phase for MDF, Police, Immigration and Prison as part of the targeted ten thousand houses to be constructed in five years.

The Police and MDF will have 400 houses each with the rest across prions.

Most of the houses that security agents reside in remain in poor state, something that over the years been raising eyebrows on government’s reckoning of the work that the agents do in the country.

Credit: MIJ Online

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