The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has rebuked former Presidential Advisor Uladi Mussa for insulting the bureau’s officers.

In a statement released on Monday, ACB Director General Rey neck Matemba warned Mussa against intimidating the bureau.

Mussa, who is also Democratic Progressive Party vice president for the Centre, is being prosecuted by the ACB for issuing passports and citizenships to foreigners while he was Minister of Home Affairs.

On Sunday, Mussa spoke to the local media where he took time to insult officers of the ACB and discredit ACB’s competence for, according to him, arresting and prosecuting him when he is “innocent”.

Mussa’s remarks have angered Matemba who has defended ACB employees saying they strive to be professional in discharging their duties despite facing challenges.

“By investigating, arresting and now prosecuting Mr. Mussa, officers of the ACB have nothing personal against Mr. Mussa other than fulfilling their law enforcement mandate as provided for under the Corrupt Practices Act,” Matemba said.

Matemba added that the former presidential aide should not to resort to intimidatory tactics to instill fear and panic in ACB officers for simply doing their work.

“That is unacceptable and will not be tolerated at any cost, he should desist from commenting on the criminal case that is currently in court as that would be tantamount to interfering with the court processes,” said Matemba.

Matemba has also advised Mussa to start preparing for his Defence saying the ACB will ensure that the case is prosecuted to its logical conclusion.

The former Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security is answering charges of misuse of public office contrary to section 25B (1) of the Corrupt Practices Act, among other offences.

Mussa is jointly being prosecuted with four other accused persons, namely; Mr. David Kwanjana, the former Regional Immigration Officer (Centre), Mr. Pascal Rwasa (a Burundian), Mr. Esili Kubwimana (a Rwandese) and Mr. Peter Katasha (a Malawian).

The case goes to court again on the 25th of November, 2019.


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