The Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development Symon Vuwa Kaunda said the Government is planning to construct 10,000 houses for all security agencies in the country.

Vuwa said this on Thursday when he inspected a site for construction of houses for Immigration officers in Blantyre.

In his remarks, the Minister assured immigration officers in uniform of the government’s continued support by constructing decent houses.

“The government plans to construct 10, 000 houses for Malawi Defence Force, Malawi Police Service, Immigration and Prison Services between now to 2024. Of course, this will be done in phases but now we will start with 1000 houses where the department of Immigration has been allocated 100 houses,” said the Minister.

The Minister added that this is the initiative of the State President to see that the country’s security agencies have good houses.

“The President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika directed speedy implementation of the project and that is why we are here today to call for action and action now”, he said.

Malawi Housing Corporation (MHC)) is the lead consultant for the project.



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