Truck drivers Association of Malawi has distanced itself from any grouping endorsing its nationwide strike slated for December.

This comes following reports from other media outlets that Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) is endorsing the truck drivers’ strike.

In an interview, Public relations officer for the association, Paul Kachitsa said the drivers do not want any organization to join them as they have their own aims in the protests.

“There are so many challenges truck drivers face. This includes poor salary despite that we support the country in so many ways. This is our own fight and do not want any organization to be behind us.” Kachitsa added.

The drivers have planned to start their strike from 3rd December 2019 with an aim of pushing authorities to intervene on their grievances.

The move is also coming at a time after the drivers and their employers failed to agree on their salary increment, their travelling documents like driving licences and dangerous goods permits which become cumbersome on renewal.

The HRDC has in the recent past been leading protests meant to force Malawi Electoral Commission Chairperson Jane Ansah out of office accusing her of leading a ‘fraudelent elections’ in May this year.

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