ZIMBABWE – A 75 year old man from Zimbabwe, Bulilima village has been arrested for allegedly striking his wife with an axe in an infidelity row before burying the body in a shallow grave.

Foreman Sibanda of Village 13 in Vulindlela Ward allegedly struck his wife with an axe on November 11 after accusing her of having an extra marital affair.

He carried the body in a wheelbarrow and then dug a shallow grave in the fields about a kilometre from his homestead where he buried her. The village head of Village 12, Mr Moses Moyo said the offence came to light after Sibanda decided to reveal what he had done to his relatives and showed them where he had buried his wife.

He said the woman’s body was exhumed on Tuesday after a report was made to the police by the deceased’s relatives.

“It appears that Sibanda and his wife Petty Sibanda had a misunderstanding after he accused her of having an extra marital affair. The two were now sleeping in separate bedrooms because of the misunderstanding.

“Then on 11 November Sibanda took an axe and went to his wife’s bedroom hut and confronted her over the matter. They had a misunderstanding and Sibanda struck her with the axe on the head and she died on the spot. After realising what he had done, Sibanda carried the body in a wheelbarrow and buried it in a shallow grave in his fields,” said Mr Moyo.

He said Sibanda disclosed what had happened after his in- laws demanded to know the whereabouts of their daughter.

state media

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