A shopper was shocked by a chocolate Father Christmas that left little to the imagination. Jason Greaves picked up the £1 festive treat from Tesco last week, only to find an unwelcome surprise.

The 28-year-old unwrapped the hollow chocolate treat and then noticed an unusual penis-shaped splodge on the bottom half of the Santa. He called partner Candice, 19, and the pair collapsed into laughter before taking pictures.

The clothing company director left the chocolate uneaten while he contacted Tesco to alert them to the unlikely addition to the treat. Jason Greaves picked up the festive treat from his local Tesco last week

‘I only picked it up because it was by the till and I wanted something sweet. ‘I took it home and was going to share it with my girlfriend. He continued: ‘When I saw it I had to look again. I just broke down laughing to be honest.

‘I don’t know if it was a warehouse worker’s last day and they were having a laugh or whether it was just a complete accident. ‘But for it to be in the exact place where you’d expect it to be it just seems more than a coincidence.

‘It’s a funny thing to happen. ‘Of course if I was a kid this would be a different story. ‘I did tell Tesco this but they didn’t seem to care.’ A spokesman for Tesco said: ‘Oops…It looks as if Father Christmas has revealed a little too much on this occasion. ‘Of course if the customer wants to return the product then we can arrange this at their nearest large Tesco store.’





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