A controversial social media post reignited the age-old debate regarding the rights and privileges of prisoners. The photos were shared by more than one Twitter user, but one post that invoked a strong reaction was shared by Man’s Not Barry Roux (@AdvBarryRoux).
In the photos, prisoners can be seen enjoying a hearty braai with tons of meat on the fire.
The inmates are responsible for barbecuing the meat themselves, but no other details are provided. Local media did some investigation to establish the background behind the photos, but attempts remained unsuccessful. Although details remain unclear, that didn’t stop South Africans from airing their views on the matter.
Many expressed outrage and felt that prisoners should not be afforded certain privileges, while others approved of the festivities.
TV personality Sizwe Dhlomo got in on the act as well and justified the rationale behind the braai. Thursty Papi (@ThurstyP) mocked the justice system: “In SA crimes pays neh? 3 meals a day, free education, warm bed at night.
” M A N T S H O (@Grace_Molakeng) sided with correctional services: “Unfortunately there are people who are in prison for crimes they didn’t do and even the ones who are there for crimes they are guilty are human and remorseful. It’s only fair for them to be allowed to live.
They are already isolated from society and suffer abuse inside.” Mihloti Rose (@MihlotiRose) felt that these perks encouraged a life of crime:
“That is why they can’t stop breaking law cause South African jails are five stars hotels. Our government should start treating criminals like criminals. In South Africa people plead to be taken to jail because they get everything for free.”
Credit :Briefly.co.za 
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