Farai Chivhaura of Nhakiwa in Murewa spent around three hours trapped while his accomplices fled the scene on Saturday morning along Third Street in the Avenues area.

The car Chivaura wanted to steal from belonged to one Kemesi Hwangwa who farted on the former to have him released.

Initially, Hwangwa had intended to urinate on Chivaura to have him released after the latter confessed but chose to fart on him so that the car could be lifted to release his trapped leg.

Hwangwa claimed that one of the wheels had been stolen and wanted Chivaura to call his accomplice to return it before urinating on him for freedom.

He neither confirmed nor denied using juju to trap thieves saying what he wanted was the items he lost to thieves from Chivaura.

“What I want is my wheel and the jack from him before I free him,” said Hwangwa.

“As for using juju or not using juju that has nothing to do with me ngaadzose zvinhu zvangu chete,” he said.

Chivaura claimed that he was in the company of one Almeda who fled the scene leaving him stuck and had to cry for help.

He was trapped around 5am only to be released after 8am.

One of the security guards Claud Usai manning the place said they heard calls for help from Chivaura who claimed that his leg had been trapped.

Residents came to the scene, not to rescue him but to assault him. They splashed him with used engine oil accusing him of stealing vehicle wheel caps, batteries and other accessories.

“We are losing our car accessories that include batteries, wheel caps and other things left in cars daily. You (Chivaura) and your partners in crime are reaping where you did not sow,” one of the residents said.

“People are being attacked during the night at corner Hebert Chitepo Avenue and Third Street every week, we want to believe that you are involved,” the resident added as he assaulted Chivaura.

A police officer who arrived at the scene rescued him from further beatings and took him to Harare Central Police Station


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