A 45-year-old man of Samfya District of Luapula Province in Zambia has died after he was allegedly forced to drink a suspected poisonous liquid.

Lambeshi Mwewa of Twenti Village is alleged to have been forced to drink suspected doom pesticide after being accused of having bewitched his wife identified as Dorothy Bwalya.

Luapula Province Commissioner of Police Elias Chushi has explained that four suspects identified as Vincent Bwalya, 43, the deceased’s brother-in-law, Charles Kaindoke, 21, a male juvenile suspect aged 13 and Short Kaindoke, 24, allegedly tied the deceased’s hands and legs and forced him to drink a poisonous liquid until the victim died.

Chushi has disclosed that Police have since arrested three suspects, while the male juvenile has fled the village.

He said the body of the deceased is in the mortuary in Samfya and Police have launched a manhunt for the other suspect.

Source : Zambia Reports

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