President Peter Mutharika has said the coalition behind Anti-Ansah demonstrations Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) is slowly generating into a terrorist organization.

Mutharika said this in his midnight New Year’s address, he further declared that the HRDC is unleashing terror on Malawians.

Mutharika’s remarks have not however been welcomed by HRDC who have accused him of fermenting violence ahead of court ruling of the election case.

In his response to Mutharika’s remarks, HRDC vice chairperson Gift Trapence said their coalition represent Malawians and they speak on behalf of Malawians citing that each time Mutharika attacks them he is directly attacking citizens.

“HRDC serves the people and his remarks are a direct attack on citizens, He is fermenting violence,” said Trapence.

Trapence further added that Mutharika lacks leadership hence his frequently attacks adding that he only destroys.

Responding on terrorism attacks, Trapence said the president directed the message to wrong people saying Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) cadets have been waging war on innocent Malawians.

HRDC has been popular in 2019 for holding a series of anti-Jane Ansah demonstrations.

The grouping wants the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) chairperson Jane Ansah to resign for allegedly failing to manage credible elections on May 21, 2019.

In some instances the protests turned violent, leading to deaths, injuries and destruction of property worth billions of kwacha.

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