We left Kande beach on our way to Lilongwe – the capital of Malawi (welcome to… Lilongwe – whoop whoop!!)

We stopped in the capital for the supermarket and ATM. Me, Aurele, Guy and Carolyn were on cook group again. We headed to two supermarkets and the local food stalls to buy our ingredients.

We got to the campsite and had to do another huge group truck clean as we had more newbies joining us here. Then we started cooking dinner – I had wanted to do a chilli con carne just to prove I can cook one without wrecking it… I think we proved it as everyone seemed to enjoy the food. That evening we headed to the bar to have goodbye drinks with Sean (he was leaving the next day) him and Maddie (who was due to leave the day after) were brought shots and told they had to drink them from the floor without bending their legs… I think it’s called a giraffe?? Not too sure as I am not much of a drinking game expert!! Anyhow, it turned in to a huge tournament where everyone in the bar was competing and it got messy as you can imagine!

The next day saw a lot of hangovers for a lot of people! We said goodbye to Sean (booooo!) and a few of us headed in to Lilongwe for a spot of lunch and a bit of shopping. Lilongwe is far more modern than we expected. It very much reminded me of the area in South Africa where my dad lives. The people are also very friendly here! A couple of us had ice cream and pizza and then headed to the supermarket to buy some snackage for the next day. That evening, we all planned on a few drinks at the bar to say goodbye to Maddie. The power went off and so we were drinking by candle light! A poker game was set up by Aurele for the lads (and Bex) and Aaron cleaned them all out. I did tell them not to play poker with a pikey! All in all another good evening and a good send off for Maddie.

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