United Transformation Movement (UTM) President Dr. Saulos Chilima has expressed dissatisfaction over a decision by the European Union Observer Mission to present its observation report on the May 21 Tripartite Elections in the country.

On Tuesday the media was awash with reports that EU observer team is today returning in the country to present a final report the May 21 polls.

But many Malawians are not happy with the move, some have even taken the issue to social media to express their sadness.

In a statement released on Tuesday UTM President described the decision by EU observers as ill-timed, careless and amounts to an extra-judicial gimmick to meddle with, and influence, pending litigation.

UTM leader has also declined to meet the EU mission on the matter.

“I am sure that the European Union Delegation to Malawi (the ‘Delegation’) is aware that the tripartite elections are now the subject of a case in the High Court of Malawi; Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima & Rev. Dr. Lazarus Chakwera and Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika & Electoral Commission, Constitutional Reference Number 1 of 2019. It is most inappropriate that the Mission seeks to present a report on a matter that is before the High Court of Malawi and, in fact, a judgement is now pending and imminent.

“I strongly object to the presentation of the report at this time. It must be obvious to both the Delegation and the Mission that comprehensive reports on the tripartite elections must be avoided in light of the litigation that has since ensued,” said Chilima.

Meanwhile Chilima has asked the EU team to call off the presentation of the report.

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