A controversial Ghanaian Prophet, Isaac Makomichi has resorted into selling love portion to single and married women as one way of maintaining love between partners.

The prophet has become a huge hit with the ladies in Masvingo for selling a seemingly powerful love portion which is selling like hot cakes

The love portion which is being said to have been sourced from Ghana is a huge hit among all the ladies including married women, single women and thigh vendors who claim that it makes them irresistibly attractive.

The married women claim that it strengthens their marriages, while the single women use it reclaim “lost lovers”. Commercial sex workers, on the other hand, use the Ghana love portion to attract more clients.

The Ghana love portion was introduced to the Masvingo ladies by the leader of the Miracle Healing and Deliverance (MHD) Ministries, Prophet Makomichi.

The Prophet sells the portions for between US$5 and US$7 a bottle depending on size.

The love portion is sold in either liquid or powder form depending on how the Prophet prescribes it. However, there are no details yet on how the portion is administered.

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