The Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) insists it will carry on with the Lilongwe South constituency by-elections slated to take place this month end.

The constituency still does not have a parliamentarian following the death of an aspirant Agnes Penumulungu before the 21st May 2019 polls and the eventual cancellation of a planned by-election.

Some stakeholders have been urging MEC to hold on with the poll until the current post election turmoil simmers down.

On 29th October 2019, MEC announced that it had postponed the 5th November 2019 planned by-election following violent scenes witnessed in the area ahead of the polls.

The calls by the stakeholders have still been made over the last few weeks.
However, MEC has insisted and says it will not halt its mandate of administering elections saying the poll will take place on 30th January this year.

Speaking at a press briefing in Lilongwe today, MEC Chairperson Jane Ansah said the bureau will go ahead with the poll insisting that people need to have no doubt on the commission.

‘’ People have to take it that the commission has the mandate and the capability to run this election,’’ she said.

Ansah has been facing calls to resign as human rights groupings accuse her of overseeing a poll they dub fraudulent.

She has however once said she would step down because the matter is in court.
At the moment, the constitutional court in Lilongwe is still expected to make a verdict on a presidential petition case.

In the case, UTM leader, Saulos Chilima and Malawi Congress Party President Chakwera petitioned the court seeking nullification of the May 21 polls results in which Peter Mutharika was declared winner arguing the whole results management was marred by irregularities.

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