GHANAH – Slay queens are more dangerous than prostitutes, Founder of the Lord’s Parliament Temple church, Apostle Amoako Attah has suggested.

In recent times where there have been debates about slay queens and some video leaks of high-profile persons, Reverend Amoako Atta sought to clarify the role of these two categories of ladies.

Speaking on Adom FM’s Ofie Kwanso program Monday, the preacher explained that though they may come across as performing similar roles, slay queens destroy men while prostitutes do not.

“Prostitutes don’t kill because they only need to survive but slay queens do. Slay queens believe that in this world, nothing is for free and one of their favorite slogans is ‘no mercy for the cripple’ and they come to destroy,” he told host, Jerry Justice.

“Slay queens never love, [they] are assassins, they are murderers, bloodsuckers and they always have an agenda,” he added.

Apostle Amoako Attah was speaking on the programme as part of his series entitled “12 secrets about slay queens and gold diggers.”

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