A Kenyan catholic priest, who was busted with a married woman at her husband’s home in Makueni on Wednesday, narrowly escaped death after police arrived on time to rescue him.

Father Wesonga Maloba of Gatundu Parish was been allegedly found with Susan Kivuva by her husband Thomas Kimeu Mulwa at around 4am.

(Right) Father Wesonga Maloba

Mulwa, a businessman, returned home and found a strange car parked outside his house. His domestic worker informed him that it belonged to a Father.

He called out his wife to open the door for him but she declined.

Mulwa, who was armed, then fired four shots at Fr. Maloba’s car’s tyres and deflated all them while he was still locked up inside the house with the businessman’s wife, who had flatly refused to open the door.

Police reports indicate that officers from a nearby police station visited Mulwa’s home and disarmed him after the matter was reported.

Mulwa’s Ceska pistol was confiscated with two empty magazines and 13 bullets.

Makueni police commander Joseph Napeiyian said he had seen the reports but did not have details of the incident.

The matter is under investigations by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations detectives in Kathonzweni.

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