By Robert Kumwenda

Governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) parliamentarian for Blantyre City South Noel Lipipa has refused to commend why he was left out on the list of people that were supposed to speak at the DDP and United Democratic Front (UDF) alliance rally held at Njamba Freedom Park Sunday in Blantyre.

Being DPP parliamentarian for the area where the rally took place Lipipa was supposed to be among the list of the people that were to speak and give his remarks to welcome the President surprisingly his name was missing.

He said this is politics at play saying the one who was writing the protocol for the people that were to speak could be the best one to speak why he was left out.

Lipipa however said there can be various reasons saying that maybe because he abstained when parliamentarians were voting for the electoral reforms bills in parliament.

“If that could be one of the reasons am wondering why because there were UDF parliamentarians who voted for yes in the electoral reforms present at the rally and were allowed to speak,” he said.

Lipipa remarks are coming at a time when both the President and DPP Vice President for the south Kondwani Nankumwa  who is also the Minister  of Agriculture Irrigation and Water Development have admitted that there is indeed inside fighting within the party.

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