Human Right Defenders Coalition (HRDC) leaders Timothy Mtambo,Gift Trapence and Reverend MacDonald Sembereka have vowed to continue fighting for the rights of the citizenry in the country.

They spoke Thursday afternoon after being granted bail by the Lilongwe Chief Resident Magistrate Court.

They were arrested for allegedly inciting violence by threatening to shutdown State residences if President Peter Mutharika does not fire MEC Commissioners and assent to electoral reform bills.

”This movement will not be stopped by anybody. This movement is heavenly movement. We are soldiers for peace, freedom and justice. We are going to hold these values dearly. Nthawi yoti tisinthe Malawi yakwana. Thank you for your support when we were in police custody. The law of gravity states that what goes up must come down”. HRDC chair Timothy Mtambo.

He further said his organisation will proceed with arrangements for demonstrations at state residences.

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