A court in Mwanza district has fined a Malawian national to pay K450, 000 (Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Kwacha) after being found guilty of possessing foreign currency.

Inspector Edwin Kaunda said the person, Sylvia was arrested on yesterday at Mwanza boarder post aftershe was found with 37000 South African Rands.

“She was taken to court on 17/3/2020 where she pleaded guilty to the charge of possessing foreign currency without documents and asked for leniency because she has a family that depends on her.

In submission Inspector Doviko Makawa asked the court to give the convict a stiffer punishment to deter others.” Explained Kaunda.

But Kaunda said when passing the sentence, His Worship Smart Maluwasa agreed with the state and sentenced the convict to pay the said amount.

Sylvia comes from Sosola village TA Nsamala in Balaka.

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