Blantyre City South Constituency Ward Councillor, Leonard Chimbanga has pointed action being taken by opposition leaders for telling citizens not to go to their work places and they should remain at home on Friday.

He said while other countries are looking for ways to pay their Citizens while they are on shut down due to the Corona virus epidemic, companies trying their best to rotate their personnel so that productivity doesn’t stop, that’s when someone is calling for a sit down to cripple this country in an attempt to get to Power.

“This is power maundering. Very irresponsible for anyone who claims to love his Nation to call for such action”

“The damage of the Stay out of work they are proposing has far reaching consequences to this Country’s economy opposition leaders will never tell you that “Said Chimbanga.

Chimbanga continue saying that they are blinded with their desperate attempt to take power by all means that they don’t care about the current epidemic and the health of Malawians.

He is delighted that some Opposition Supporters are already calling this move bluff and saying they will defy it and report for work.

“For Those in the Private sector staying away from work on day that isn’t a holiday will mean absconding your duties and conditions of service will determine the consequences you might as well just hand in your resignation”.

“For Civil Servants you will give yourself away as the bad apple who has been frustrating government.”

“Don’t get me wrong citizens have rights to demonstrate and air out their grievances whenever necessary.”

Chimbanga is expected the opposition leaders to rally behind The President His Excellency Prof Arthur Peter Mutharika and speak with one voice like other Nations are doing.

“Malawi is not an island we are in a global Village and very much connected to countries that have been hit hard with the Coronavirus. At this Stage we can’t completely rule out that we could register a case and frankly I pray that it doesn’t happen.”

“Stop this politicking, join hands, stop the desperation.”

“At the right time and appointed time Elections will be held and you will definitely take part.”


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