The Minister of Information, Civic Education and Communications Technology Mark Botomani stressed the importance of stakeholders engagement saying it’s significant towards the fight of the corona virus pandemic.

He was speaking during an orientation meeting of stakeholders organised by United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) at the Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC)

“The fight of this deadly diseases requires a collective effort of government ,stakeholders and opinion leaders in our rural communities, as such we need to develop workable action plans that will help us strategies on how to fight the disease and minimize the spread should it reach Malawi,” Said Botomani.

He further added that besides Malawi has not yet registered any case of the disease, there is need to build capacity of the health systems in the country and to raise awareness of rightful information that will adequately prepare our communities for an outbreak should it strikes.

In his remarks Minister of Health Jappie Mhango thanked UNICEF for the support which has enabled stakeholders come together to brainstorm on how effectively the country can prevent the covid-19.

Mhungo urged people in the county not to be carried away by fake news and called on journalist to report facts so that right messages reach the masses.

“As custodians of our subjects we have a crucial task before us to relay rightful information so that we avoid unnecessary panic and fear among our communities,” said Mhungo.

He added that his ministry will continue encouraging all the District Commissioners, Traditional leaders, Religious leaders, Members of Parliament and heads of health sectors to be in the fore front relaying the messages of the best practices to our communities to keep the country safe.

Covid-19 is a global pandemic that has claimed thousands of lives across the world and other African countries affected including Malawi’s neighbouring countries like Zambia.


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