United Nations (UN) recognized 197 countries in the world and presently, about 184 countries have confirmed cases of Coronavirus.

The virus which has its origin from Wuhan City of China has cut across various countries with about 400, 000 cases nd has caused about 17, 000 death according to World Health Organization (WHO).

Italy has however, has most recorded cases over China with 60, 000 cases and about 30, 000 deaths recorded. All statistics according to WHO.

However, with great surprise, there are some countries in the word who have not recorded any case of the deadly Coronaviruses as at this time when the whole world is panicking over the spread and death it has caused.

The reasons are because these countries are globally cut-off and which has reduced immigrants moving from other countries of the world to these countries.

This also makes the countries rarely unpopular.

The countries include;

  1. Sierra Leone
  2. Tuvalu
  3. Samoa
  4. Palau
  5. Solomon Islands
  6. Saint Kittis
  7. Saint Vincent
  8. Vanuata
  9. Grenadines
  10. Timorese Leste
  11. Nevis
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