Mchinji District Hospital has erected tents at the Mchinji-Mwami-Zambia border to be used as check points and temporary quarantine facility in a bid to intensify the prevention of Corona Virus (COVID-19).

District Environmental Health Officer (DEHO) for Mchinji, Robson Kayira said the erected tents donated by UNICEF some years back are aimed at ensuring that all people crossing the border are checked.

“Before the tents were erected some people could pass without being checked at the border, but with the tents, everyone passing the border is checked by the health personnel before they pass through immigration officials,” he said.

Kayira said two tents have been erected as quarantine facilities in case of Covid 19 suspects.He said the hospital was working with the Immigration Department and Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) officials to ensure that the arrangement was successful.

Recently, at a District Public Health Emergency Management Committee (PHEMC) meeting held in Mchinji in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic, Director of Health and Social Services for Mchinji, Dr Juliana Kanyengambeta called for support from all stakeholders to help the district prevent the corona virus.

“As a border district, Mchinji is prone to the disease since our neighbouring countries have registered Covid 19 cases and we need more equipment, morehealth workers to help us work effectively,” she said.

Kanyengambeta said the hospital needs drug and supplies, training for health workers, community sensitisation among other things.

Source: MANA

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