Six Tanzanian nationals who arrived in Vihiga County on March 26 were Monday evening put under forced quarantine at the Keveye isolation centre.

This us after they defied a directive requiring them to go into self-isolation following the Covid-19 outbreak in the country.

Acting County Health Chief Officer Richard Boiyo said the six went on with their activities at Cheptulu market for five days, ignoring the order to self-isolate.

He noted that the six also travelled to Kisumu on Saturday and returned to Vihiga on the same day, raising eyebrows.

“I would like to inform our people that our brothers from Tanzania came in On March 26 and were asked to go into self-isolation.

“They instead defied and went about with their activities at Cheptulu market. We moved in on Monday evening and put them into forced quarantine at our isolation centre at Keveye Youth polytechnic,” said Dr Boiyo.

The official said the six will undergo medical examination to determine their Covid-19 status.

They will remain in quarantine for 14 days at their own cost in a move Dr Boiyo said is intended to reduce chances of spreading the coronavirus.

“Let it go on record that the six are yet to be tested but this forced quarantine is just a stop-gap measure in the spirit of keeping social distancing and self-isolation. There is no cause for alarm,” Dr Boiyo said.

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