State Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima who is also United Transformation Movement (UTM) President has questioned Atupele Muluzi’s donation of medical equipment to China, saying the donation was unnecessary.

Last month Atupele who is also Minister of Energy under President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika donated medical equipment to China to help in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic.

The move attracted strong criticisms among Malawians with many questioning Muluzi’s line of thinking.

Speaking during a media briefing in the capital Lilongwe this morning, Chilima also weighed in on the donation.

“On political leadership in the Ministry of Health and Population, I do not want to say much as this may be misconstrued as a personal attack. But allow me to ask President Mutharika this question, does he know that while all Ministers of Health in the whole world were either fighting coronavirus or preparing for it, his Minister of Health, instead of rallying his troops and marshalling State resources to fight this pandemic, was busy campaigning to be the President of the Malawi Olympic Committee as late as a few weeks ago? Mr. President, do you think this person understands the enormity of the task of protecting millions of your people? Is this the time to be doing petty sports politics? Does he have that luxury?

“In the same vein, one would be asking exactly what and why did the other Minister donate to China, the largest global manufacturer of medical equipment and drugs? This is the same China that is donating the USA and other Western countries. These jokes must stop. We cannot afford this silly humour when lives of Malawians are at stake,” said Chilima.

Meanwhile Atupele is yet to comment on the matter.

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