Zimbabwe, Bulawayo has recorded three new cases of Covid-19 as the cumulative national figure rose to 17 including three deaths.

The three cases were confirmed at the National Tuberculosis (TB) Reference Laboratory at Mpilo Central Hospital in the city yesterday.

The lab tested six samples and three of them came out positive.

This means that Bulawayo now has five positive Covid-19 cases, two fewer than Harare which has the most at seven.

In a statement last night, Health and Child Care Permanent Secretary Dr Agnes Mahomva said two of the new cases came from Qalisa Retirement Village as one of them was a direct contact to deceased patient 11 while the other claimed he had no direct contact with Ian Hyslop (79) who succumbed to the virus recently.

Dr Mahomva said the third person was randomly tested during the ministry’s random surveillance tests after showing symptoms of the virus but had no contacts with any of the confirmed Covid-19 patients.

Source : Chronicle

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