Self-acclaimed Commander-in-Chief of Citizens for Transformation – People Power Movement who is also former chairperson of Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) Timothy Mtambo has attacked the government over underdevelopment in all sectors of life in the country.

In an Easter message released Monday, Mtambo said Malawi must stand up against corruption, nepotism, tribalism, corruption, impunity and executive arrogance.

Mtambo said this would be done if people register and vote to “change the current regime.”

“The country’s health system is in shambles; the education standards are a mockery; the roads are death traps; access to clean and safe water is a distant reality; the prices for agricultural commodities aren’t rewarding; the job market keeps shrinking,” reads the message in part.

According to Mtambo, the resurrection of Jesus Christ gives Malawians an assurance that “no bondage is permanent; no suffering is forever; and that light will always conquer darkness, no matter how long it takes.”

“Fellow Malawians, Let’s remember that these social, economic and political challenges that Malawi is facing today are man-made. Malawians find themselves under the bondage of untold suffering and darkness mainly because of three sins; nepotism, corruption, and impunity committed and celebrated by the now interim government…,” the message further reads.

He said it is sad that the upcoming elections will still be managed by the current Malawi Electoral Commission which the High Court declared incompetent.

“Today, we still have the Issah Njauju case, the Msundwe rape case, the Police food ration case… the attempt of Constitutional Court Judge bribery case and many others, unresolved.

Meanwhile, Mtambo has called upon Malawians to emulate the life of Jesus Christ—who Christians believed is their saviour— by being prepared to sacrifice for a liberated Malawi.

The government has thrown out the accusations saying Mtambo is just trying to look for a political space.

The government’s spokesperson, Mark Botomani, said the Democratic Progressive Party administration has achieved a lot over the years taking Malawi on track in as far as development is concerned.

“We have managed to do a lot of developments in a short period of time and we have not been discriminatory when administering the developments. Mtambo is just trying to buy space in the political field,” he said.

There has been a cat and mouse chase between Mtambo and the government recently over issues bordering on administration among others.

While he was chairperson of HRDC, Mtambo championed a sequel of protests aimed at forcing Mec Chairperson Jane Ansah to resign for “mismanaging the May 21 tripartite elections.

Mtambo, has since forming the movement, endorsed the political alliance of Malawi Congress Party and UTM.

Source: Times Mw


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