President Peter Mutharika yesterday announced of a 21 day lockdown effect April 18 midnight to May 19 midnight with an aim of containing the spread of the deadly Coronavirus.

However the news has not been received well by Malawians who have called government to look into the matter with full consideration.

Some are saying the move to declare a lockdown the Constitution has been breached as lockdown can only be declared under a state of emergency of which Malawi has not declared such.

Malawi is still in a state of disaster.

Malawians took it Social media platforms where they expressed there opinions and views on the matter.

Martin Mfune shared his mind on the matter “Our government is Just doing part of what other people are doing, they have only told us what we are supposed to do, but they haven’t told us what government is going to do in order to support that to be effective. This is Malawi we can’t Just do part of what others are doing, this is Malawi, we have our own type of poverty, our Economy can not support lock down. Then this result in people dying of hanger not Coronavirus, look, we copied Self quarantine, does that work?? But in other countries that work perfectly, do what Malawi Can support.”
Mission Mtamba writes “Why should a country be on lockdown pamene akupezeka ndi corona virus ndi Anthu obwera foreigners.”
Dennis Kamo Kumwenda says “The decision is good but let us remember that about 90% of Malawians survive on hand to mouth. Therefore government must not only declare lockdown but also provide food. Otherwise this will be a way of using the poor to help the rich survive from Covid-19 while they suffer and die of hunger. Death is death either through Covid-19 or hunger.”
Chimuemue Mtuumodzi says “They want to kill us… Today is 15, lockdown to start on the 18th , heeeey where are we going to dig money within two days? What will we eat in our houses ? What will we do with those local markets without money, in fact Where will the sellers of tomatoes, onions vegetables be getting their mechandise.
He he he he he… We could have more deaths of hunger, Starvation and #suicide than those of the virus itself…
Let us Locomote, Let us do our business and go to work, God is in control. He will protect. Everyone has own time, “who’s to die today does not die tomorrow let us exercise caution, let us fully implement all the necessary measures that were made to contain the Spread but this #Lockdown eish it’s a burden us.”


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