Ugandan Police are holding a middle-aged man who stabbed his brother three times on the neck, chest and on the wrist.

Wilson Temba is held at the country’s Shauri Moyo police station.

Temba is accused of injuring his brother Edward Indimuli who is admitted at the Kenyatta National Hospital in stable condition.

Police are preparing to charge Temba with attempted murder.

Sergeant Bernard Sila obtained orders at Makadara law courts to hold Temba for four days to complete investigations.

Sila said he is yet to record the statement of the victim who is still hospitalised and that of the suspect and other witnesses.

The cop said he is yet to receive the medical notes from the medics at the KNH where the victim is undergoing treatment and all these form part of the investigations.

He obtained the orders before senior principal magistrate Angelo Kithinji.

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