As schools remain closed due to COVID-19 threats in Malawi, different stakeholders in Mulanje have fears that some girls might fall pregnant and fail to go back to school going by their displayed behaviors.

In the district, school going girls and boys are seen in pairs with girls dressing sexually attractive cloths.

District Social Welfare Officer  acknowledges the challenge saying with no schools that put the girls busy, risks of falling pregnant and getting into marriages are high.

“We as an office in partnership with Plan International Malawi, have developed radio programs that are discouraging sexual and alcohol and drug abuse immoralities among the girls,” said Mkisi.

District Officer for Advancing Girls Education (AGE) in Africa, Irina Pasiya, also lamented promiscuous behaviors by the girls and she called upon parents and chiefs to safeguard the girls.

“Now that government and NGOs are restricted from holding public awareness meetings, gate keepers in communities should be engaging girls and boys time and again and reminding them on consequences of immoral behaviors,” said Pasiya.

On March 22, 2020,President Peter mutharika ordered a temporary closure of public and private schools as one of the measures to prevent spread of coronavirus in the country.

Meanwhile, the government has launched online education to ensure that students learn while they are at home.


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